Skin Development

"Functional and Stylish"

A Change of Outlook

With the knowledge that five different players at a given time will be use these skins, developers can seek to make the creation slightly different. This allows bundles to in the future be catagorized by in-game interaction. Instead of having skin bundles based on only thematic or physical characteristics of champions, like an all purple or an all Demacian bundle, we could offer skins for Global Ultimate teams, Poke Comps or super bursty teams.

Marketing Possibility

GroupBuy facilitates the sale of old and unsold skins because it relieves players of that pressure and that guilt. While some players may never want to own Noxus Poppy on their own, they may because it is comical and because they're doing it for the team. I could see this system putting a lot of smiles on a lot of lonely summoners faces. How many times have you bought a pizza that you didnt want but ended up enjoying it anyway because "we" enjoyed it. Because pizza, like GroupBuy builds social interaction through sharing and through creating communal feeling. GroupBuy encourages summoners to not only to grow as players and consumers, but also as people who try new things whether that be a new skin, or a new friend.