Players Experience First

In team-centric League of Legends, why are skins sold as a bundle to individuals instead of to teams of players? How could we use a skin sale to get players to be more connected? Introucing GroupBuy; an option for players to purchase Skin Sets together, as 5.

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Quantitatively #Worth

To encourage players to go through with purchasing as 5, we offer a 20% discount incentive. At best, we've increase skin sales and revenue from untapped segments of our playerbase. At worst, we've paid a small price to get players to play more and to play together.

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Everyone Wins.

Riot Games is compensated for the discount with additional unencapsulated sales and players get to seamlessly play Skin Sets together. We also create a flexible system with long-term growth potential and room for the development of creative possibilities.

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Implementing a Group Buy system would improve the League of Legends shop and overall player experience with both quantiative and qualitative benefits that fit in with the core philosophies of Riot Games .

Encourages Teamplay

GroupBuy encourages players to experience their favorite moments as Riot intended; as a TEAM.

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Endless Possibilities

Knowing 5 different people will play encourages future development of fun, stylistic and synergistic Skin Sets.

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Sells the unsold

GroupBuy of Skin Sets encourages players to buy skins as a group they may not have individually.

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Safe from Abuse

With well though-out contingencies in place, we prevent discount abuse and encourage connection.

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  • Players First